- What?
- You're gonna write to them, right?
No. I'm not gonna
write to them.
I'm gonna fire off
a round,
showin' them
that I'm serious,
that I don't give a fuck
about nothin'...
and that we don't mind
playing hardball.
That ain't hardball. Hardball'd be
killing one of the things in here.
Whoa, whoa.
Hang on a second.
We ain't gonna
kill nobody.
- It's a trick.
- Well, it's pussy league.
No, no, no. It's a ploy,
and that's the plan. Okay?
- Suppose they storm in?
- They're not gonna storm in.
Look, these guys,
they got procedures.
Okay? They're not independent
of thought and action, like us.
They, they got a book, and they gotta
follow it right down to the last letter.
Come on. We're the...
We're the ones who refuse to conform
to the dictates of the group,
and we got them
right where we want them.
{ Clears Throat }
An extensive investigation began
about three weeks ago when
a message was intercepted...
saying that the suspect would be
traveling to New Orleans in two weeks...
with $65,000 suspected
for the use of buying guns.
The Montreal police has been contacted,
but nothing has come through,
although the one guy that I did talk to
in the Montreal office...
said that this guy
was never known to be violent.
All I see is feet, boss.
That's all you gotta see.
- You watchin'?
- Yeah.
I can't believe there's
no back exit in this layout.
- { Cocks Shotgun }
- Shit!
{ Men Shouting }