so the cops would raid
these kind of places.
Everybody's got to get
out of here fast,
and the cops are coming in
through the front...
so they got to go
out the back.
- What, through a wall?
- Look around at this place.
This guy treated this bar
like his baby.
He does his best
to preserve it the way it was.
- He doesn't change a thing.
- I still don't see no exit.
{ Chuckles } You don't hear
what I'm saying.
They're hidden.
So what do we do,
some fuckin' voodoo dance?
Rub a fuckin' lamp,
and the shit just opens?
Maybe. They don't exactly blueprint
this kind of stuff.
Could be anywhere.
Just got
to check it out.
We can't exactly
ask the bartender.
She might know. Hey.
- You feel better?
- Better?
Yeah, you know, just...
Never mind.
Look, you work here,
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
Did, uh, Dino ever say anything
to you about a hidden exit?
No. I never
heard of one.
- And you say you work here?
- Yeah, I work here; for ten years.
But just 'cause
I work here don't mean...
Hey! Lip is what
I don't need.
I asked you
a simple question.
I happen to know
that this used to be a speakeasy,
so you, y-you think hard.
Wait, wait, wait,
wait a minute.
you're sure that you don't remember
him saying anything about, uh,
another way out
of here?
You think I'm hiding
something from you? I mean, I'm...
"Hiding"? We never said anything
about hiding nothin'.
- That's what you're thinkin'.
- Hey, shut up and answer me!
{ Man #1 } Hey.
I know what you're looking for.