Albino Alligator

Still deaf, dumb and blind.

Well, let's go make that call,
hear what he wants.

{ Lowell }
I can't tell, but it looks clear.

Oh, whoa! Shit!
They're pulling something.
{ Milo } What'd you expect,
they were just gonna leave?

- { Telephone Ringing }
- { Lowell }
This was a good-faith request.

What's gonna happen,
I'm gonna really start making demands.

- Fuck!
- { Ringing Continues }

- Think we should let them
get away with this?
- Show them who's boss here!

They think we're
clowning around!

I say we whack one of these people
for real, man. No more bullshittin'.

Jesus Christ. Don't listen to him.
He's a fuckin' sociopath.

- What good would that do?
You'd still have to get out.
- Shut up.

- Hey, you show the lady
a little respect.
- Uh-oh! Big man!

Look, everybody shut up.
You need a plan.
Talk, talk, talk.
That's all I'm hearing.
I mean, fuck,
you have to get out now.

No more waiting.
- He thinks so too.
- { Lowell } What?

Were you talking
to this guy?

I didn't say jack shit to him,
but he's right.

And I guess they're all
geniuses, right?

And I guess that
makes me the idiot.

Well, fine, then why don't you all
figure this shit out...

because all I seem to be doing
is fucking everything up.

Calm down.
Just take it easy.
We got to listen.

Plan. I'm listening.
Tell them you will
let go the hostages, one by one...
