Little girl playing pirates.
She makes an impression.
She is severely fuckable, ain't she?
Mind you, l think she's just a tad curious
about this transaction of ours.
l can't say as l blame her.
lt's awfully cloak-and-dagger stuff.
lt's a military operation.
Correct me if l'm wrong,
but l was under the impression that
most army medical labs don't operate
outside of regulated space.
What do you want?
Two days bed and board.
Vriess might want to snag
a part or two. l mean,
if it's not imposing.
Mi casa es su casa.
Please direct cargo
to med-lab centre, area G.
Follow the litpath.
Do not deviate.
Cargo status stable.
Life forms intact.
Stasis uninterrupted.
Med-lab centre
is off-limits to civilians.
Thank you.