Oh, God. l saw...
l saw horrible things.
Look, you're coming with us.
lt's too dangerous for you here.
Leave him.
Fuck you! We're not leaving him here.
He's got one inside.
l can smell it.
lnside me?
lnside me? What's inside me?
l don't want one ofthose things
birthing anywhere near my ass.
lt's a bad risk.
What's inside me?
- We can't leave him.
- You came here to stop them spreading.
- What's inside me?
- Can't you stop it?
We've got no time.
The lab's out of order.
l could do him. Back ofthe head.
Painless. Might be the best way.
What's inside me?
There must be another way.
- What ifwe freeze him?
- What's in-fucking-side me?!
There's a monster in your chest.
These guys hijacked your ship,
and they sold your cryotube
to this... human.
And he put an alien inside ofyou.
lt's a really nasty one.
And in a few hours
it will burst its way
through your ribcage.
And you're gonna die.
Any questions?
Who are you?
l'm the monster's mother.