as not only geographically
beneath them.
They ignore the fact
that slavery is so interwoven
into the fabric of this society,
that to destroy it would be
to destroy us as a people.
It's immoral. That's all they know.
Therefore, so are we.
Immoral and inferior.
We are inferior in one area.
We're not as proficient
in the art of gain.
We're not as wealthy
as our northern neighbors.
We're still struggling.
Take away our life's blood now...
Well, we all know
what happens then.
North and South.
They become the masters,
and we the slaves.
But not without a fight.
Senator Calhoun is being modest.
He's not inferior in another area -
the art of exaggeration.
Ask yourself, Senor Calderon...
What court wants to be responsible
for the spark that ignites
the firestorm?
What president
wants to be in office...
when it comes crashing
down around him?
Certainly no court before this one.
Certainly no president
before this one.
Judge us not too harshly, sir,
and bid Her Majesty like.
Because the real determination our
courts and our president must make