- which might override those...
- No.
Does America have treaties
with West Africa?
- Does Spain?
- No!
Does the Commonwealth of Connecticut
- have any treaties with West Africa?
- No, no, no, no! Now stop this!
Unshackle him.
I'm sorry, sir.
- I'm under strict orders...
- Unshackle him, please.
Yes, Mr President.
This is a phalaenopsis, moth orchid,
I brought over from China.
And this is a primrose
from an English garden.
And, uh, this spear lily,
from the south of France.
This is my rose Blush Noisette.
This came all the way from,
uh, Washington, DC,
but don't tell anyone.
Go on, go on.
African violet. I can't tell you
how difficult that was to come by.
Now, you understand you're going
to the Supreme Court.