A chief cannot become anything less
than a chief, even in death.
Oh, how I wish such
were true here, Cinque.
You've no idea.
One tries to govern
wisely, strongly, but...
One tries to govern in a way that
betters the lives of one's villagers.
One tries to...kill the lion.
Unfortunately, one isn't always
wise enough or strong enough.
Time passes...
and the moment is gone.
Now, listen, Cinque. Listen.
We're about... We're about
to bring your case
before the highest court
in our land.
Were about to do battle with a lion
that is threatening
to rip our country in two.
Huh? And all we have on our side
is a rock.
Of course, you didn't ask
to be at the centre
of this historic conflagration
any more than I did,
but we find ourselves here,
by some mysterious mix
of circumstances
and the whole world watching.
So, uh, what are we to do? Huh?
Is he going to help? He has
far many more questions than answers.
- What did he just say?
- I-I... Sorry, I didn't catch it.
Cinque, look.
I'm being honest with you.
Anything less would be
I'm telling you, I'm preparing you,
I suppose I'm explaining to you,