What of its conceits?
"All men created equal," "inalienable
rights," "life, liberty," and so on.
What on Earth are we
to do with this?
I have a modest suggestion.
The other night I was talking
with my friend Cinque.
He was over at my place, and we were
out in the greenhouse together.
He explained to me how when a member
of the Mende - that's his people...
How when a member of the Mende
encounters a situation
where there appears
no hope at all,
he invokes his ancestors.
The Mende believe that if one can
summon the spirit of one's ancestors,
then they have never left.
And the wisdom and strength
they fathered and inspired
will come to his aid.
James Madison,
Alexander Hamilton,
Benjamin Franklin,
Thomas Jefferson,
George Washington,
John Adams.
We have long resisted
asking you for guidance.
Perhaps we have feared
in doing so,