Gestures suffice for slaves,
as for any other beast of burden.
Your Honour...
I represent the interests
of Senors Ruiz and Montes.
- I remember.
- I have a bill of sale,
issued in Havana
for the purchase of slaves.
I remember that too.
On it, in addition to the amounts
paid for each, are their names.
Jose, Bernardo...
Paco and so on.
On behalf of my clients, I submit
this document to the court.
Mr Baldwin, you've proffered
a good deal of - I'll be kind -
circumstantial evidence.
Have you, in addition, anything, in
the order of actual documentation,
that might refute this one,
and so more compellingly
support your claims?
I'm sure I could manufacture some
as easily as they have, Your Honour.
What you're saying is,
then, you don't.
Is that correct?
I have them.
I'm afraid that does not impress me.
I thought you did quite well.
You do?
Much better than I expected,
to be honest.
Well, thank you, I think.
Although, I was concerned that
you might have forgotten
- this is just a case like any other.
- You needn't worry about that.
That's good.