These papers - and I shall
ask you to examine them -
are portions of a ship's manifest I
retrieved from the Amistad yesterday.
At first glance, they may appear
to bolster the prosecution's case.
You see, they list cargo.
Cargo bearing the very Spanish names
Messrs Ruiz and Montes
insist represent my clients,
hand-scrawled in the margins.
But no, this is not the manifest
of the Amistad at all. Look.
This is part of the cargo manifest
of a Portuguese vessel,
the notorious transatlantic
slave ship the Tecora.
The Tecora.
I can bring you as many witnesses
as you wish, Mr Holabird...
Their clients trade primarily off
the coast of West Africa.
The Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone.
I know what you're thinking.
Sierra Leone is a protectorate
of the British Crown.
Slavery is outlawed there.
Its principal port, in fact,
has been rechristened "Freetown".
How, then, can the
Portuguese Tecora...
engage in the slave trades
in these waters?
I'll tell you how. In a word...
Whatever these men say
clearly matters not
because this proves them liars.
My clients' journey
did not begin in Havana,