
Your Royal Highness.
Something's happened.
Martin Van Buren,
8th President of the United States

The ambassador to Spain,
Senor Caldero.

- What?
- Senor Calderon.

Yes, all right. Not now.
- It is a matter of importance, sir.
- God bless you all!

I'm trying to drink my brandy
after a very long day.

I simply wasn't certain
whether this was something you wanted
to take care of personally.

Leder, there are what, four million
Negroes in this country?

Why on earth should I concern
myself with these forty-four? Hm?

Well, there are reasons.
I don't care how.
You just take care of it.

The ship is Amistad.
It's too small to be
a transatlantic slaver.

They're plantation slaves, then?
West Indians?

Not necessarily.
At least they certainly
don't look it.

Not from the glimpse I caught of them
on their way to jail.

They have these...scars.
- Scars?
- Yeah.

They were first detained by officers
of a brig off Long Island.

They were conveyed to New Haven -
under what authority, I don't know -

and given over to
the local constabulary.

About forty of them,
including four or five children.
