
I don't understand what you mean.
There are two ways of knowing
without consulting a calendar.

The leaves on the maple trees
have all gone,

and the fact that the President is
not at home on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Tell me, sir...
Do you really think Van Buren
cares about the whims

of an 11-year-old girl
who wears a tiara?

I assure you, only one thing occupies
his thoughts this time of the year,

being all things to all people,
which means nothing to no one.

In other words,
gettin' himself re-elected.

Give me a hand.
- Will you help us, sir?
- Let go of my arm.

Take my stick.
- Mr Adams?
- Yeah, what?

As an advocate for the abolition
of slavery, will you help us?

I'm neither friend nor foe to the
abolitionist cause. I won't help you.

- What?
- I know you, Mr President.

I know you and your presidency as
well as any man, and your father's.

You were a child at his side
when he helped invent America.

You, in turn, have devoted your life
to refining that noble invention.

There remains but one task undone.
One vital task the Founding
Fathers left to their sons,

before their 13 colonies could
precisely be called United States.

And that task, sir, as you
well know, is crushing slavery.

Your record confirms you're an
abolitionist, sir, even if you won't.

- And whether or not you admit it...
- Mr Joadson.

:30:45 belong with us.
You're quite the scholar,
Mr Joadson, aren't ya?

Quite the historian.
Let me tell you about
that quality, if I might.
