Without an accompanying mastery of at
least one-tenth its measure of grace,
such erudition is worthless, sir.
Now, you take it from one who knows.
If you gentlemen will excuse me.
- We know we aimed high asking you...
- Well, aim lower!
Find yourselves someone
whose inspiration blossoms
the more you lose.
If the court awards them to Spain,
they'll be taken to Cuba
and executed.
If the two lieutenants prevail,
they'll likely to sell them to Spain,
and they'll be executed.
If Montes and Ruiz are successful...
I'm a little confused.
What are they worth to you?
We're discussing the case,
not its expense.
Of course. Well, the case is much
simpler than you think, Mr Tappan.
It's like anything - land,
livestock, heirlooms, what have you.
Yes. Consider -
the only way one may sell or purchase
slaves is if they are born slaves,
as on the plantation.
- I'm right, aren't I?
- Yes.
- So, are they?
- "Are they?"
Yes. Born slaves,
as on a plantation.
We're not certain,
but we very much doubt it.
Let's say they are.
Then they are possessions,
and no more deserving of
a criminal trial than a bookcase.
On the other hand,
let's say they aren't slaves,
in which case they were
illegally acquired.
Forget mutiny, forget piracy,
forget murder.
Those are irrelevant occurrences.
Ignore everything but
the pre-eminent issue at hand.
The wrongful transfer
of stolen goods.
Either way, we win.
Sir, this war must be waged on
the battlefield of righteousness.