Give him a break, Chris.
We can't let him fall too far back.
I won't need your charity
once we get to Paris.
- I'll show you guys a stunt
you'll never top.
- [ Both ] Oooh.
## [ Rock ]
# Don't you count on #
# Me ##
[ Boy ]
All clear.
Let's go.
## [ Techno ]
# Down, down, down #
# I still remember #
# You're dressed in grey #
# Working undercover #
# Well, I heard you say #
- [ Panting ] One more!
- Five minutes.
I don't know why you bothered
carrying that thing up there.
You're never gonna use it.
# Let's go down #
# To the normal time #
# Right down #
# Down, down, down #
# Down, down, down #
# Down, down, down ##