- [ Andy ] What's her name again?
- Serafine "Pie-gid".
- Serafine.
- Serafine Pigot. It's a beautiful name.
- Are you getting cold feet?
- Just a bit nervous.
I don't wanna say
the wrong thing.
- [ Door Unlocking ]
- You're on, prince.
- [ Woman Speaks ln French ]
- Serafine?
Uh, hi.
Uh, it's the guy who, um--
- I've got your shoe.
- [ Unlatching Numerous Locks ]
Hi, I'm Andy.
We met on the Tower.
This is Chris and Brad.
And, uh--
Listen, I thought that you
would want this.
And, well, it's not my size.
[ Chuckles ]
You're very kind.
Now, go, please.
You must not stay here.
- [ Latching Numerous Locks ]
- Charming.
And sophisticated.
Forget about it.
Let's go, Andy.
- Wait! Did you see what I saw?
- What?
She had blood on her hands.
She's trying it again.
Just so we're on the same page,
who's crazier here?
[ Locks Unlatching ]
Please go,
or there will be trouble.
No, wait, wait.
What did you do to your hand?
Do you have blood on your hand?
You're bleeding?
[ Nervous Chuckle ]
No. I, uh--
It's just paint.
I'm redecorating the cellar.
Oh. I thought, uh--
Please, go, now.
Wait. Listen. Hold it.
We can help.
- We could have that done
in no time. Right, guys?
- No, thanks.
- Thank you.
- I--
-Please, look. I just wanna talk.
-I don't think it's a good idea.
Please, just once. If you let me,
we'll never bother you again.
Okay. Uh--
Tomorrow, 4:00,
in front of the concert hall?
You mean it?