I guess that means yes.
Wait. Stop.
I have to go now.
You mustn't get involved.
Wait. When do I
get to see you again?
I don't think we should. Andy,
it's only because I care about you.
You have a funny way
of showing it.
[ Chris ] Relax, man.
She's just playing hard to get.
This whole mysterious
elusive thing is just a ploy
to make her more interesting.
It's not that simple. The way
she talks about her parents,
it's like she blames herself.
Yeah. She's demented enough.
Remember the blood on her hands?
That stunt at the cafe?
[ Imitating Punches ]
It's like she's
a black belt or somethin'.
- Je peux vous aider?
- Um, we're just--
- Americans?
- Yeah.
I love Americans.
- May I help?
- Uh, yeah. We're looking for Serafine.
Sure. But I'm sorry.
She's not at home.
Are you her, uh, brother?
[ Chuckles ]
Let's just say l...
Iook after her.
Okay. Sorry to bother you.
- See ya.
- Let's go, Andy.
If you guys are not
doing anything later,
come to our charity
"Full Moon" party.