An American Werewolf in Paris

## [ Continues ]
[ Object Bangs Window ]
[ Banging ]
[ Banging ]
- Hey, what the--
- Shh! Get outta there now!

Wha-- Why?
- There's a mutant in the cellar!
- A what?

That French girl,
she's a freak!

- [ Door Opening ]
- Get outta there, man!

- [ Groans ]
- Andy.

You must rest.
Lie down.

Hey, what happened last night?
How did I get here?

Relax. Let me look
at your leg first.

I was attacked...
by this big, wild dog.
It was huge. It had grande yellow eyes,
beaucoup teeth and--

- Do you have rabies here?
- You don't have rabies.

That's healing pretty fast.
How long have I been here?
Just a few hours.
It's your new metabolism.

- Drink this. You'll feel much better.
- What is that?

- It's all natural.
- Because I hate Clamato.

It tastes... different.
[ Insect Buzzing ]
