An American Werewolf in Paris

Don't blame me, Andy.
I warned you.

Wait. You mean,
you knew this all along? Oh!

- [ Grunts ]
- Hey, keep it down out there!

A guy can't rest in pieces
around here.

- I'm losing my freaking skull.
- Come on. Pull yourself together, Andy.

You gotta get outta here.
The cops wanna put you away for life.

I've had enough of your ridiculous
theories. The man is dangerous.

Lock him up!
McDermott, you're--
I didn't choose
to become a werewolf.

I can't face eating people
the rest of my life.

Better get used to it.
Isn't there any way that
I can become human again?

Yeah, there is,
but you're not gonna like it.

Tell me. How?
First, find the werewolf
that bit you.

Then kill it.
Then eat out its heart.
But that means--
I-- No way.
- Andy, look out!
- [ Bus Horn Honking ]

- What did you do that for?
- 'Cause I still need him.

- He's gonna help kill the guy
who did this to me.
- I feel sick.

All of this would be over right now
if you hadn't opened your fat trap.

You are the most egocentric corpse
I've ever met.

Listen, I don't know what kind
of friend this jerk is to you,
but he ate my spleen.

So, hey. You guys
are werewolves too, huh?

- Glad to know ya.
- Andy.

I don't think you have accepted the gift
that has been given to you...

or much less appreciated it.
