lmagine capturing it alive.
That's worth a lot of money, Gary.
Please people, don't make me out
to be a monster. l didn't eat Mateo.
Come on, everybody ...
We are not sure that Mateo is dead.
- We'll wait here till morning.
- Are you insane?
You think he went for a walk?
We've got to get out of here.
Get a grip! lf it was you,
you'd want us to stay.
lf it was me out there, l'd be dead.
- Go to your cabin, lock the door.
- Like a bad boy. All right.
Where are my shoes?
- We'll aim some lights at the boat.
- That's a good idea.
l'm not so sure
he didn't eat the captain.
He sure looks satiated.
You think he's still alive?
No. Let's go to bed.
Danger ...
Danger is exciting, huh, Gary?
You go on to bed,
l'll just talk to him a second.
- Hurry up, l'm scared.
- l'll be right there.