Did you have
a good night?
Excellent. Thank you.
Ah, we've met before, I believe.
Count Vronsky.
You set off with the mother and return
with the son. Back from furlough, I presume.
So, my dear, how was Moscow?
I hope I may have the honor
of calling on you.
Delighted. We're at home
on Mondays.
I told you it was mama!
I knew!
Oh, my pet.
Gifts from Tanya
and Grisha.
Tanya can read now, you know?
She's even teaching Grisha.
ls she nicer than me?
To me you're nicer than anyone
else in the world.
I know I am.
On the whole, then, your
visit was a success?
I cannot see how a man
like that can be exonerated,
even if he is your brother.
But I'm glad it all ended satisfactorily
and that you're back again.
You wouldn't believe how
irksome it is to dine alone.
I missed you, too.
Time for bed.