You don't like me to be dull,
and then you don't like it
when I go out
and enjoy myself.
Stop it. You know
I can't stand it.
And I would like to know
what all this is about.
Your feelings are the affair
of your own conscience,
but I am duty-bound to point out
to you your duties.
Our lives have been joined
not by man but by God.
Only a crime
can sever that union.
A crime of that nature brings
its own heavy punishment.
I don't understand
a thing you are saying.
And besides,
I'm desperately sleepy.
Anna, for God's sake, don't
speak like that. Perhaps I am mistaken.
But believe me, what I say
I say as much for my sake as for yours.
I am your husband,
and I love you, but if
-there are the slightest grounds...
-l have nothing to say.
It is really bedtime.
Here it is.
Stupid miss
with the right barrel.
When's Kitty
getting married?