and it is...
to remind
your son of yous
Might lead to questions on his part
which it would be impossible to answer.
I beg you to interpret
your husband's refusal
in the spirit
of Christian love.
I am here to tell you that I look upon my
union with Madame Karenina as marriage.
If you wish to be on good terms with me
then you must be on good terms with her.
Our intimate friends
can and must look at it
in the proper light.
I for one am so glad
you are back.
I can imagine how horrible our
Petersburg must seem to you
after your
delightful travels.
-How about the divorce? ls that all settled?
-I'm only waiting for Karenin.
People will throw
stones at me, I know,
but I shall come
and see Anna.
I will ignore
the conventions,
but other starchy people
will give you the cold shoulder
until you are married,.
and that's
so simple nowadays.
Of course, I cannot invite her to my
home. I have daughters growing up.
How can you
say that..
When everyone knows you were
Tushkevich's mistress?
How dare you
make comparisons?
Aliosha, darling,
You hardly have
the moral high ground.