my darling.
They told me
you were dead.
You didn't believe it,
my precious.
I never believed it!
Oh no, you'd never
have let her in!
Ten year's service and nothing but
kindness from her,
and you'd have got up
and shown her the door.
He'll get up presently and
you will be out on the streets.
Don't go. He won't
come just yet.
Seriozha, my darling,
you must love him.
He's better than I am,
and I have been wicked to him.
When you're grown up,
you will understand.
Don't go.
Get out! Our door
is closed to you!
You're not welcome here!
You deserted your son!
The laudanum prescribed for Ana
after the loss of her child
Now became the opiate used to
deaden the pain of Seriozha's loss.