Bacheha-Ye aseman

Tell your father to chop them...
for next week's mourning session.
-Yes, sir.
-That's a good boy.

The landlord shouldn't have talked to you.
I am responsible for the rent,
and I know how to deal with him.

He's too mean.
You don't have to argue with him.
I'll break his neck.
Why do you keep ignoring your doctor's

You'd not exhaust yourself. Don't get mad!
You shouldn't have done all that laundry.
That rug weights 100 kilos
when it is soaked in water.
And you, Ali! Why didn't you help your mother
when she asked you?

You should have waited for me.
I would have done it myself.
You, boy! Can't you do anything but eat,
sleep and play?

You are not a child anymore,
you are 9 years old.
When I was your age, I helped my parents.
Why do you make me mad?
Haven't you any sense at all?
You just play around all day.
What if your mother was sick?
All right. Don't get excited.
You make me so mad.
I wonder why the baby has been restless all day.
Zahra, pour a cup of tea for your father.
