Bacheha-Ye aseman

You mother should not take the trouble.
It is no trouble.
-How is your mother?
-She is fine.

-Give her my regards.
-Yes, I will.

Wait a minute, Ali.
I've got something for you.

-It's nothing.
-No, thank you.

Take it, son. Give my regards to your father.
-Fall in line.
-Be a good student.

Attention. Obey your teacher.
Soon you'll be sitting for your exam.
and I have a few recommendations for you.
The examination days are the time
when you must reap the fruit
of your previous work.

Therefore, you must work a lot now.
You must plan for your time.
And I will talk to your parents
to make sure you can study....

without any disturbances at home.
You'd not stay late to watch TV series.
You'd only watch the children's programs
such as cartoons.

The rest of your time should be
spent on your lessons.

You could ask your parents ask you questions
from your books

to make sure you've understood everything.
I've already told you that you'd clip
your fingernails regularly.

You should clip them during weekends
Come back to school with clean fingers.
Dirt and microbes collect
under long finger nails...

and when you eat food with dirty fingers
you get sick.

All right, now you may go to your classrooms.
