Bacheha-Ye aseman

Why don't you answer, boy?
Are you gone?
I'm here. Ask your father if there is any
gardening to be done.

-He is not home.
-Ask your mother.

She is not home either.
There is only my grandfather.
Ask your grandfather then.
-Are you a gardener?
-No, but my father is.

-Where is your father?
-Here in the alley.

Will you ask your grandfather
to come to the door?

-First tell me your name.
-My name is Ali.

My name is Alireza. What grade are you in?
Third. Will you now tell your grandfather?
-He is asleep.
-Why didn't you say so right away
Let's go, Ali.
Would you like to come in and play with me?
I have to go. Good bye.
Ali, wait!
Ali, Ali!
I've got a few sacks of fertilizers
which have to be spread at the foot of the trees.

And then there is the spraying to be done.
I'll take care of it.
I neglected to spray the trees last year,
and some of them especially the cherry
and plum trees which I planted with my own hand
have been hurt by plant lice.

Let's go and play, Ali.
Go, son. I'll stay with your father.
Go, dear.
