Watch the numbers. . .
. . .for they are
the harbingers of your doom.
Can you feeI it coming?
The icy coId of space.
At 30,000 feet,
your heart wiII freeze. . .
. . .and beat no more.
After you're frozen, your icy tomb
wiII pIummet back to Gotham.
Freeze, you're mad.
This capsuIe expIodes,
it'II sIaughter thousands.
Freeze weII.
-Who invited you?
-I was hanging around.
I thought you'd stay in the museum,
round up some thugs.
How about, ""Nice to see you.
Thanks for saving my Iife. ""
A Batbomb?
We must bIow this up
before it turns Gotham into a crater.
Now what, caII a taxi?!
Watch the first step!
Surf's up!