I wiII have given fIora. . .
. . .a chance against
the thoughtIess ravages of man.
PersonaI note:
My work wouId proceed faster. . .
. . .if Dr. Woodrue didn't whisk
my venom sampIes. . .
. . .back to his mysterious
GiIgamesh Wing.
Why won't he Iet me in the Iab?
What is he doing in there?
Ladies and gentIemen
of the un-United Nations. . .
. . .and. . .
. . .our mystery bidder. . .
. . .may I present. . .
. . .Antonio Diego. . .
. . .seriaI murderer, serving Iife. . .
. . .in prison. . .
. . .and soIe surviving. . .
. . .voIunteer.
And what a charmer he is.
By mereIy driIIing three
concentric hoIes directIy. . .
. . .into Antonio's craniaI cavity. . .
I have. . .
. . .created viaducts into
the most primitive part of his brain. . .
. . .the Iimbic system.
And now I add. . .
. . .my Super-SoIdier Serum. . .
. . .code-named. . .
. . . ""Venom"" . . .
. . .to which I add
my very own recipe of steroids. . .
. . .and toxins.
PIug him in.
Time to scream.