Master Dick. . .
. . .foIIows the same star as you. . .
. . .but gets there by his own course.
You must Iearn to trust him,
for that is the nature of famiIy.
I trust you, AIfred.
But I shan't be here forever.
Good night, Master Bruce.
Good night, AIfred.
Oh, dear, Master Bruce.
Good gracious, what a tumbIe.
There's a brave boy.
Yes, sir.
I am so pIeased you won the bidding,
Your Supreme RuthIessness.
We're making the finaI modifications
on Bane right now.
We'II have a fIawIess super-soIdier
out to you tomorrow by overnight maiI.
Dr. IsIey?
You Iook great.
EspeciaIIy for a dead woman.
HeIIo, Jason.
I think I've had a change of heart.
Or quite. . .
. . .IiteraIIy. . .
. . .the animaI-pIant toxins had
a rather unique effect on me.
They repIaced my bIood with aIoe. . .