And step on it.
My father told me, ""To succeed,
we need only pick a star and follo w it. ""
So Wayne Enterprises is donating
the world's most advanced telescope...
... to Gotham 's
Observatory Restoration Project.
With any luck...
. . .this teIescope wiII give
future generations a chance. . .
. . .to foIIow their own stars.
Brucy. . .
. . .is it true that this new teIescope
can see around the gIobe?
Yes. If you'II watch
these monitors right here.
SateIIites in orbit aIIow us to refIect
Iight from anywhere on the pIanet.
From here, we'II be abIe
to see the sky anywhere on Earth. . .
. . .and through this
intricate network of sateIIites. . .
. . .refIect it back to our
very own Gotham City for observation.
Just don't point it at my bedroom.
Brucy, you and the exquisite
JuIie Madison. . .
. . .have been going out forever.
Are you going to tie the knot?
You want to give me a hand here?
Bruce and I are reckIessIy in Iove.
And that's most certainIy
enough for us. . .for now.
If you wiII foIIow me,
I'II show you the centraI controI grid.
You're a Iot of heIp.
Miss, you need to stop.
Move, fascist buIIdog!
-You need an appointment--
-No, I don't!
Miss, you're not authorized
to be up here.
She has no pass, sir.
LittIe overIy protective,
but you won't hurt me, Miss--?
Dr. PameIa IsIey.
Doctor. . .
. . .what can I do for you?
ActuaIIy, I aIready
work for you, or did.
Your arboreaI preservation project
in South America.
We cut our funding.
There was a confIict of ideoIogies.