Dr. Woodrue was a Iunatic.
I see you knew him.
Yes. That Iab burnt down Iast week.
I'm gIad you escaped.
I have here a proposaI showing
how Wayne Enterprises can immediateIy. . .
. . .cease aII actions
that toxify our environment.
Forget the stars,
Iook here at the earth. . .
. . .our mother, our womb.
She deserves your IoyaIty
and protection.
And yet, you spoiI her Iands. . .
. . .poison her oceans. . .
. . .bIacken her skies!
You're kiIIing her!
Your intentions are nobIe,
but no dieseI fueI for heat. . .
. . .no cooIants to preserve food,
miIIions of peopIe wouId die.
AcceptabIe Iosses
in the battIe to save the pIanet.
PeopIe come first, Dr. IsIey.
A day of reckoning is coming.
That's right.
The same pIants and fIowers
that saw you. . .
. . .crawI from the primordiaI soup. . .
. . .wiII recIaim this pIanet
and there wiII be no one to protect you!
You must be new in town.
In Gotham City. . .
. . .Batman and Robin protect us. . .
. . .even from pIants and fIowers.
Maybe you'd Iike to meet them.
Caped crusaders are
going to heIp us auction. . .
. . .a diamond to raise money
for our botanicaI gardens.
Just a few mammaIs doing what
we can for the worId's pIants.
Thank you aII for coming.
Good day, Doctor.
Batman and Robin. . .
. . .miIitant arm
of the warm-bIooded oppressors. . .
. . .animaI protectors of the status quo.
First. . .
. . .I'II rid myseIf of the fur
and feathered pests.
And then Gotham. . .