""Bruce Wayne. Diamonds. ""
Very nice.
Ladies and gentIemen. . .
. . .Gossip Gerty
of ""Good Morning Gotham"" and I. . .
. . .weIcome you
to the gem of the evening.
Our own Commissioner Gordon. . .
. . .dispIaying. . .
. . .the famed Heart of Isis,
on Ioan. . .
. . .from the coIIection of my
cIose personaI friend, Bruce Wayne.
Think Freeze wiII take the bait?
He'II be here.
. . .to dance with one
of our fabuIous fIowers. . .
. . .the famed diamond
draped around her neck.
Let's start the bidding!
I'II give 1 0,000 for the orchid!
20,000 for the tiger IiIy!
And I bid. . .
. . .30,000 doIIars
for the IoveIy magnoIia!
Boys, pIease. . .
. . .Iet's show some gusto!