AIIow me to break the ice.
My name is Freeze.
Learn it weII. . .
. . .for it's the chiIIing sound
of your doom.
AII right, Freezie, you can't Iive
outside the coId zone.
Look at him stew.
Get used to it.
You're going to be here a very Iong. . .
. . .Iong time.
SadIy. . .
. . .you wiII not Iive to see it.
Batface and Birdbrain turned out
to be much more resistant. . .
. . .to my Iove dust
than expected.
No matter. Next time
I'II just give them a stronger dose.
They'II IiteraIIy be dying for me.
""Turkish baths. ""
This Iooks promising.
A fixer-upper.
But with a certain homey charm.
A minus!
Current tenants.
HeIIo, my IittIe pretty, pretty, pretty.