We've been going out
for over a year now, and. . . .
Okay, here it goes.
I want to spend my Iife with you.
I'm not the marrying kind.
There are things about me
you wouIdn't understand.
I know you're a dedicated bacheIor.
You've had your wiId nights.
""WiId"" doesn't. . .
. . .quite cover it.
You'II make someone
a good husband one day. . .
. . .but I can't wait forever.
Look, I don't want to pressure you.
Because if I do. . .
. . .you'II just shut down.
I know the way you are.
Think about it.
Just promise me you'II think about it.
You don't have to answer now.
Just. . .
. . .think it over.
Here's food for thought.
Who's Ivy?
You just caIIed me ""Ivy. ""
Who's Ivy?
I wish I knew.
Enhance detaiI, 1 4 to 1 9.
Who are you?