Mr Bean,
are you on any medication?
Not that I know of.
Well, you could
certainly use some.
So, Doctor...
Yes, OK, Dr Bean.
Well, you...you made it.
Nice flight?
This is Kevin.
This is Jennifer. She's very
excited about meeting you.
My wife, Alison.
David, could I have
the tiniest talk with you?
All right. We just...
I appreciate he seems
a little eccentric.
There are Martians exiled
from Mars for looking weird
who look less weird than him.
- He has an original quality.
- He goes. Today.
That was amazing!
Really cool!
Can you do this?
No, but I can do this.
- How do you do that?
- Magic.
- You'll tell him? Today?
- Yes.
Today seems a good day.