
Well, he looks like
a fruitcake to me.

You'll take responsibility
for his actions?

You're a braver man than me,
and I take on gangs
armed with AK-47s.

Get him out of here.
I would love to kick his butt.
And the next time, I will.
Doctor, there is something
we have to talk about.

I don't quite know
how to put this.

What concerns me...
Whoever that is,
I'll get rid of them.

- There he is!
- David, sorry we're late.

Traffic - terrible.
It gets worse and worse.

It's beautiful - the green!
- ..nobody in control.
- The yellow!

He doesn't have to drive.
Where is Alison?
I've got bad news and good news.
The bad news is that Alison
is visiting her mom,

who is...not well.
- That's too bad.
- The poor thing.

The good news is,
Dr Bean and I are cooking.

- That's good news?
- Of course it is.

All the greatest chefs are men.
What's on the menu, maestro?
How could I forget?
What the hell
are we going to give them?

They expect something
more formal.

An onion? On its own?
That's for Thanksgiving.
Alison would kill me.

There must be something else.
