Good morning, Mr. TanIey.
It's aII set.
They'II meet us here.
Let's have a Iook at it.
-Oh, yes.
-It's a perfect counterfeit.
One we can dupIicate
1 0 miIIion times.
Martin TanIey,
attack me with your front gate...
...I come in the back door.
Oh, yes. They are beautifuI.
-I have some bad news.
The pIates are for
onIy one side of the biII.
Excuse me?
-The pIates are in Los AngeIes.
-I don't know.
-You're paid to know.
I arranged to get this set of pIates.
I just paid a miIIion doIIars for
one side of a 1 0,000 yen biII.
-What good does that do me?
-No good.
Here's some advice
for your next Iife:
Never take a job you
can't compIete.