I'II rescue you.
I don't need to be rescued.
Just Ieave.
I see. Very smart.
It is better that you
not Iet them know I am here.
Here, take this.
I discovered your boyfriend is
a counterfeiter and a kiIIer.
You can be sure he's
cheating on you too.
Do not despair.
I wiII be ever-vigiIant.
I'II be watching your every move.
Making sure that as the--
Do not be afraid, my dove.
I wiII be watching you.
There you are.
We'II see who is the hunter
and who is the prey, Martin TanIey.
Martin TanIey, you have Ieft a traiI
a sIoth couId foIIow.
Thanks for meeting us, Mr. Ozaru.
-It's best we resoIve our differences.
-Perfect agreement.
Cut the buIIshit.
How much for your pIates?
You have it backwards.
The Kobudosai wiII buy your pIates.
Do you think you can waItz in,
grab the pIates and run the show?
You don't have a choice,
Mr. TanIey.
I wiII know. I wiII do.
I am one with the universe.