-I am one with the universe!
-Here, Haru!
I am here.
I hate this!
Thank you, sensei.
-HeIIo, my son
-HeIIo, sensei.
-There's a probIem you are facing.
-Not reaIIy.
It's just that I have been accused
of another murder...
...or two.
-Come home, Haru.
-I cannot, sensei.
I need your heIp
finding SaIIy Jones.
I've considered severaI techniques.
I couId find the names of aII
BMW saIes...
...checking on aII the Joneses,
then visiting them. Or--
You couId try a phone book.
A phone book.
-Then resume your quest.
-I wiII, sensei.
You thought, perhaps,
an experienced ninja...
...wouId not be ready for you.
I am Haru of the Takagure dojo.
Do not forget that.
I am one with the universe!