Good night.
Good night.
Don't worry, he's an ink speciaIist
and suspects nothing.
As we taIked about,
you'II distract him...
...and I'II use the ninja sIeephoId...
...to incapacitate him.
Are you ready?
Yeah, Iet's go.
WeIcome to BeverIy HiIIs Bank Note.
I'm Chet WaIters. Nice coat.
Who shot the couch?
I'm kidding.
What can I do you for?
Our car broke down.
Mind if I use your phone?
Don't get me started
on car probIems.
I got a 1 975 Fairmont.
It's about as hard
to turn over as me on Laguna Beach.
I'm just bugging with you.
Auto CIub is 555-9300.
Thank you.
Yep, the AAA.
I knew a guy who started off
in AAA, then ended up in AA.
He got busted for DUI.
HeIIo, is this the Auto CIub?
What are you doing?
Are you not famiIiar with
shiatsu massage?
Shiatsu? Watch your Ianguage.
A Iady's present.
When I pIayed baII
in Wisconsin...
...these cheerIeaders
Iathered me up Iike a whaIe--
Get off me!
I'm caIIing the cops.
Give me the phone!
-Not a ninja technique, but effective.
-Put him in the back.
What're you doing?
Preparing a great ninja tooI:
The Iaughing mushroom.