You bet! Your buggy or mine?
Mine, I think.
Gotta get the gear.
Can't start an operation
without the gear.
Here we are,
off to the wiId bIue yonder.
You don't mind.
A smaII precaution.
No, if you feeI more comfortabIe.
How wiII you drive with that on?
-It's for you.
-Of course it is.
Pin the TaiI on the Donkey!
Who's got the piƱata?
Hear about the Iady who backed
into a fan? Dis-assed-her!
-I don't care.
-You bet.
Gotcha. You betcha.
AIrighty. Here we go!
You pick up guys
and do this aII the time?
Who's driving this buggy?
Let me guess. Don't teII me.
CaroI Channing.
Mind if I borrow this next week?
I got a bIind date. A bIind date!
Which way's he going?
Through the Grand Canyon?
Where did he Iearn to drive?
Cooking schooI?
Thank God we made it!
Okay, Iet's take the bIindfoId off.
That's what she said. She said!
You think I ought to
work before you pay me?
It's the reaI biII.
Print a proof copy today.
ExactIy Iike this.
No probIem.
HoId the phone a second.
OId FaithfuI!
Sure you don't want it sooner?
They don't caII me the best
for nothing.