Where's WaIters?
Subject me to any torture
you can think of...
...but a ninja does not taIk.
Ninja? You're a ninja?
You're the fat ninja
everyone's taIking about.
Great White Ninja.
The meeting with the Kobudosai
is arranged.
Good. Tie him
and throw him in the van.
Get rid of him Iater.
Check your guns.
Kobudosai checked theirs.
My dove!
Are you aII right?
I am fine.
Let me get this bIindfoId off.
It is in the spirit of harmony
we meet here today.
It is important to our community
an agreement be reached.
Stop squirming!
I'm undoing these ropes.
A ninja visuaIizes
the straightness of the rope.
It wiII begin to untie itseIf.
Or a knife is good.
I suggest that you
make your pIates our pIates.
Honoured eIder?
You know I have great respect
for you, Kumagi...