- Yes?
Got any porn?
Have we got porn?
Sure, loads of it.
Come on ... we've gotteens,
teenage, schoolgirls, -
- lustyyoung tongues,
piquant pricktreatment, -
- exotic, Oriental, Chinese, Thai.
Sex reports.
Private tapes.
Extremely private.
Public sex. Lesbian.
Pierced cunts.
Guy sucking his own cock.
Pussy shaving, shaved pussy.
Guywho eats pussy.
And down here ...
Leather and lacquer.
Schwanger, pregnant.
7th month, 8th month, 9th month.
- Hi.
That's the one, right?
- Yes.
l think l'm going to be a dad.
- Oh?
- Thanks.
l'd better be getting on home.
- OK. 'Bye.
Say hi from me.
- Will do. See you.
What did Leo want?
- To pick up that MadMan.
He's going to be a dad.
- Oh? That's OK.
Norway drew one all.
The second time in this World Cup.
All they needed
to do was beat Brazil.
They'd won all
their previous games.