Anything else? lf not, you can leave.
Black bastard.
Go home and fuckyour mother.
Get out.
Black bastard.
Black cunt.
l'm sorry aboutthat.
- What kind offriends have you got?
OK? Sorry.
lt's no good.
- No.
l said sorry, OK?
See you later.
There it is.
Take your beer, OK?
- Yes.
Oh? Yes.
Shit ... there he goes.
He hadn't reckoned on that.
She's got one, too.
Where do all those guns come from?
- Where do they all come from?
What do you mean?
- You knowwhat l mean.
lfthey need a gun,
onejust appears.
Yes. lt's a film.
- l know it's a film.
Hey, we're watching a film, OK?
- l just don't get it.
How come
they all know about guns?
You think about it a lot?
- Yes.