A girl?
- Yes.
You're taking her out?
- Yes.
That's nice.
- Yes.
No problem, then.
No, should it be?
ln that case everyone is happy.
See you.
You don'twantto come, do you?
- No ... See you.
You must see
what l boughtyesterday.
lsn't it sweet?
- lt's sweet.
l was so happywhen l saw it.
- lt's really sweet.
l went in and bought itwithout
even asking how much itwas.
Hi ...
Leo ... Mika.
- Hi there.
Oh, yeah.
l've also bought some baby clothes.
- May l see?
This way.
This is sweet, isn't it?
- Very.
A natural colour.
- lt's lovely.
When you don't know
whatyou're having, right?
l'm trying to give up cigarettes.
lt's really hard.
May l hold him?
- Yes.
Try holding him.
- What?
Try holding him.
- Oh, go on.
No, l don'tthink so.