Did he hityou?
lt's OK. l'm OK now.
Don'tyou dare do anything to him.
l justwantto talkto him.
- Don't hurt him.
l justwantto talkto him. Now.
- l don't need any problems now.
You won't have any problems.
See you, Baby.
What are you doing?
- Just sitting here.
Won'tyou come up here, too?
l want a word.
Hey, we can go inside.
- No, come up here.
Up there?
- Come on!
Whatthe fuck is
going on in your head?
- What do you do itfor?
Did your mum
bang your head or something?
What are you talking about?
- You knowverywell.
OK, why did you hit her?
Are we speaking
the same language now or what?
Listen, you fat pig!
lt's notvery cool,
hitting my kid sister.
You can get into
deep, deep shitfor it.
lfyou ever touch Louise again
l'll rip your fucking head off.
You faggot.