
She calls seven
or eight times a day.

- Seven or eight?
- Yes, you do! And you embarrass me...

in front of my secretary
and my associates.

Connie doesn't know
how to handle her because...

half the time you call,
you're hysterical.

I just need to connect with you
during the day, okay?

Just once or twice.
Is that too much to ask?

Just listen to her, Joseph.
Just listen to what she's saying.

You gotta be kidding me.
Why are you so afraid
of being close?

Why in the hell are you
always focusing on me?

I'm just tryin' to do
my job, for Christ's sakes...

and all we ever do in here is
talk about her problems with me.

What I do, what I don't do,
who I am or who I'm not...

that she has an issue with.
I just... I can't handle it
when he gets so angry.

what is it you want?

I want a good marriage...
a supportive wife.
And I wanna work
all these things out...

so that we can have the baby
that she wants so much.

Joseph, Maria's doing so much
better the past few months.

She's standing up for herself.
It's wonderful.

I know.
But she's still very fragile
with you at this point.

This kind of confrontation
can't work.

You're right. I know.
It's just that I feel like I have
to stay on top of the situation...

or it'll fall apart.
She'll fall apart.
