This is insane.
It's insane.
I'm sitting here having tea with
the doctor who's fucking my wife...
and trying to convince me
that it's good for her.
Don't you get it, man?
She needs medical help.
Maria's been in traditional therapy
for seven years. Three therapists.
Which therapy do you think
will work at this point?
Do you know what
a borderline personality is?
They told you there was no cure,
and they were right.
There is no
psychoanalytic cure.
The mind...
cannot change the mind.
Real change
is not a mental process.
Let me guess.
You think sex...
your sex, in particular...
will heal Maria, is that it?
Yes and no. I hold
no dominion over my teachings.
I only know they work.
But, yes, conscious sex
that achieves bliss...
is the greatest healer there is.
So the way to heal the woman
is to fuck her?
No. Conscious sex, physically
and emotionally integrated...
is one way to heal
a human being.
Ecstasy heals the unconscious.
A woman can heal
a man as well.
Well, I hope you
don't mind, Doctor...
but I'm gonna try some
other approaches at this point.
I know you love Maria, Joseph.
I'm not here
to take that away from you.
Just don't make me
take this any further.
I am not the enemy.
I don't know what you are.