So, you're a Leo?
My girlfriend wants to meet you.
This is Raymond.
What's your name?
Excuse me?
Becky Barnett!
Raymond's a Leo.
I knew it.
What's your sign?
I'm a Pisces.
What? I can't deal with no Pisces.
That shirt's pretty sexy.
This is, like, imported
Italian nylon.
And it's, like, a special edition
limited silk print.
And it was done by this
really famous...
design artist from Italy.
Pick a card.
What's up, baby? I love you!
I'm going to cut the deck
one time, all right?
Now I'm going to make your card
rise from the deck.
2 of diamonds, right?
That's my card!
But doesn't it make you nervous
when you're dealing
with those evil forces?
Horses? What?
No, the evil forces!
Evil? No, man, it's not evil.
It's an illusion.
Yeah, it's confusing.
Thank you.
We're going to try and do this
all in one shit!
So, we start like this, and then
you roll her over, Dirk.
Roll with him, but try to give me
every single position.
Is that possible?
Rollergirl, if you wrap your leg
around...No, the left one.
Around and over. Good.
See, we can go right into
Is the movement on the waterbed
a problem?
No, not at all, Kurt, I dig it.
It's great.
Okay, can we do this?
All right, everybody. Here we go.
This is going to be great.
Do you want me to use
the Spanish accent?
"Jack Horner has found something
special in newcomer Dirk Diggler."
It's another stellar sexual standout
from Horner and Company.